
The Hidden Wealth of Nations

Posted by in Economics, Reading

Berkeley economist Gabriel Zucman’s important new book “The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens” estimates that as much as 8% of the world’s wealth, totaling $7.6 trillion, might be “hidden” in tax havens—and this is a conservative estimate including only bank deposits and readily marketed financial securities. The Tax Justice Network provided a broader estimate of global hidden wealth at between $21-32 trillion in 2012. This useful summary of the book is from Reuven Avi-Yonah’s review posted on the Social Science Research Network: Tax havens cost the…read more


Marx2 sources / further reading

Posted by in Ecology, Economics, Feminism, Reading

The following sources provided the quotes and data used in Marx2: “23 things they don’t tell you about capitalism”, Ha-Joon Chang The most readable and insightful economics book you’ll find, providing a short and cheerful summary of what’s wrong with 21st Century capitalism.  The final chapter on how to reform the world economy concludes a) economies need active governments and regulation, b) investment needs to shift from finance to building productive industries, c) the world economic system needs to shift in favour of developing nations. Provides a succinct, honest and…read more


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