Covid-19 deaths: Which governments have failed? 6 September

Posted by in Economics, Health, Politics

The latest worldwide average death rate is 112 per one million people, up from 98 three weeks ago (over 1 death for every 10,000 people). Figures are from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control situation report to Saturday 6th September. Here’s the updated list of countries with death rates more than twice that average:

Territory/Area Country Deaths per million
Europe San Marino 1238
Americas Peru 896
Europe Belgium 855
Europe Andorra 686
Europe Spain 629
Europe United Kingdom 612
Americas Chile 601
Americas Brazil 591
Europe Italy 587
Europe Sweden 578
Americas United States 567
Americas Mexico 518
Americas Panama 478
Europe France 470
Americas Bolivia 458
Americas Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 443
Americas Colombia 411
Americas Ecuador 378
Europe Netherlands 363
Europe Ireland 360
Europe Jersey 317
Europe Armenia 301
Europe Macedonia 291
Europe Isle of Man 282
Europe Kosovo 278
Eastern Mediterranean Iran 262
Europe Moldova 260
Africa South Africa 247
Americas Canada 242

Death rates are the best measures of a national government’s effectiveness, because in many countries with poor pandemic management, the total number of cases is severely under-reported. From these results, it is clear that many nations which put business ahead of evidence-based health advice have higher death rates.

Some nations with lower death rates have also benefited from being able to learn from nations hit earlier, or due to low visitor numbers from China. Others had established pandemic testing expertise and/or social isolation cultures for influenza, and possibly better immune profiles yet to be understood.

Forbes recently published a list of the 100 safest countries based on multiple criteria. According to their report the top 10 safest countries, in descending order, are:  Germany, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, China, Austria, United Arab, Emirates, Singapore.

The second table below shows nations with death rates already above the worldwide average ranked by percentage increase in the last two weeks, to highlight those governments whose current pandemic management is not proving effective:

Country Deaths/M-2weeks Deaths/M Percent change
Turks and Caicos Islands 52 129 148
Aruba 56 122 118
Bahamas 69 127 84
United States Virgin Islands 96 153 59
Argentina 145 209 44
Suriname 95 128 35
Montenegro 131 169 29
Colombia 326 411 26
Israel 93 115 24
Bosnia and Herzegovina 158 195 23
Bolivia 374 458 22
Honduras 165 200 21
Puerto Rico 131 159 21
Kosovo 232 278 20
Romania 166 198 19
Dominican Republic 141 166 18
Iraq 156 183 17
Oman 119 138 16
El Salvador 101 116 15
South Africa 217 247 14
Moldova 230 260 13
Guatemala 141 158 12
Mexico 462 518 12
Saudi Arabia 103 115 12
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 396 443 12
Brazil 533 591 11
Panama 431 478 11
Bahrain 105 114 9
Macedonia 267 291 9
Russia 111 121 9
Iran 243 262 8
Peru 826 896 8
Chile 561 601 7
Ecuador 354 378 7
United States 530 567 7
Armenia 284 301 6
Kuwait 120 126 5
Portugal 176 180 2
Spain 617 629 2
Belgium 850 855 1
Canada 240 242 1
France 467 470 1
Netherlands 361 363 1
Switzerland 199 200 1
Italy 586 587 0
Sweden 576 578 0
United Kingdom 610 612 0

The long term picture is still unclear. These results will be revised every third weekend, or you can view a chart and add your own selection of data and countries at this link:

Under-reporting of rest-home deaths in the UK was revised, but many other nations will never report accurate totals. Citizens there will get an indication of trend from public statistics, but must judge the true scale of deaths from community and hospital experience. However, post-pandemic statistics on unexplained changes in national death rates will reveal the extent of under-counting in the next year or two.

Full table for all countries below:

Territory/Area Entity Deaths per million
Europe San Marino 1238
Americas Peru 896
Europe Belgium 855
Europe Andorra 686
Europe Spain 629
Europe United Kingdom 612
Americas Chile 601
Americas Brazil 591
Europe Italy 587
Europe Sweden 578
Americas United States 567
Americas Mexico 518
Americas Panama 478
Europe France 470
Americas Bolivia 458
Americas Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 443
Americas Colombia 411
Americas Ecuador 378
Europe Netherlands 363
Europe Ireland 360
Europe Jersey 317
Europe Armenia 301
Europe Macedonia 291
Europe Isle of Man 282
Europe Kosovo 278
Eastern Mediterranean Iran 262
Europe Moldova 260
Africa South Africa 247
Americas Canada 242
Americas Argentina 209
Europe Switzerland 200
Americas Honduras 200
Americas Montserrat 200
Europe Luxembourg 198
Europe Romania 198
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina 195
Europe Guernsey 194
Eastern Mediterranean Iraq 183
Europe Portugal 180
Europe Montenegro 169
Americas Dominican Republic 166
Europe Kyrgyzstan 162
Americas Puerto Rico 159
Americas Guatemala 158
Americas United States Virgin Islands 153
Americas Bermuda 145
Eastern Mediterranean Oman 138
Americas Turks and Caicos Islands 129
Americas Suriname 128
Americas Bahamas 127
Eastern Mediterranean Kuwait 126
Americas Aruba 122
Europe Russia 121
Americas El Salvador 116
Eastern Mediterranean Saudi Arabia 115
Europe Israel 115
Eastern Mediterranean Bahrain 114
Europe Germany 111
Europe Denmark 108
Europe Serbia 106
Europe Albania 106
Europe Kazakhstan 101
Europe Bulgaria 95
Americas Costa Rica 92
Western Pacific Guam 83
Europe Austria 82
Africa Swaziland 81
Europe Turkey 78
Europe Belarus 74
Africa Cape Verde 74
Eastern Mediterranean Qatar 70
Africa Sao Tome and Principe 68
Europe Hungary 64
Europe Ukraine 62
Europe Slovenia 62
Eastern Mediterranean Djibouti 61
Europe Finland 60
Africa Equatorial Guinea 59
Americas Guyana 56
Americas Paraguay 56
Europe Poland 55
Eastern Mediterranean Egypt 54
South-East Asia Maldives 54
Europe Azerbaijan 54
South-East Asia India 50
Europe Norway 49
Europe Estonia 48
Europe Croatia 48
Africa Gambia 41
Europe Czech Republic 40
Eastern Mediterranean United Arab Emirates 39
Eastern Mediterranean Libya 38
Eastern Mediterranean Palestine 38
Americas Belize 38
Eastern Mediterranean Afghanistan 36
Africa Algeria 35
Western Pacific Northern Mariana Islands 35
Africa Namibia 34
Eastern Mediterranean Morocco 34
Western Pacific Philippines 34
Africa Mauritania 34
Americas British Virgin Islands 33
Europe Lithuania 32
Americas Antigua and Barbuda 31
Eastern Mediterranean Pakistan 29
South-East Asia Indonesia 29
Western Pacific Australia 29
Europe Malta 29
Europe Iceland 29
Europe Greece 27
South-East Asia Bangladesh 27
Eastern Mediterranean Lebanon 27
Europe Liechtenstein 26
Europe Monaco 25
Americas Barbados 24
Europe Cyprus 24
Africa Gabon 24
Americas Trinidad and Tobago 22
Americas Nicaragua 21
Eastern Mediterranean Yemen 19
Africa Guinea-Bissau 19
Americas Haiti 19
Eastern Mediterranean Sudan 19
Europe Latvia 19
Africa Congo 18
Africa Senegal 17
Africa Zambia 16
Africa Liberia 16
Africa Cameroon 16
Americas Cayman Islands 15
Africa Lesotho 14
Americas Venezuela 14
Africa Zimbabwe 14
Africa Central African Republic 13
Americas Uruguay 13
Africa Kenya 11
Western Pacific Japan 11
Americas Jamaica 10
Europe Uzbekistan 10
South-East Asia Nepal 9
Americas Cuba 9
Africa Malawi 9
Africa Sierra Leone 9
Africa Ghana 9
Africa Comoros 8
Africa Mauritius 8
Africa Ethiopia 8
Europe Tajikistan 7
Eastern Mediterranean Tunisia 7
Europe Slovakia 7
Western Pacific Brunei 7
Africa Madagascar 7
Eastern Mediterranean Syria 7
Eastern Mediterranean Somalia 6
Africa Mali 6
Western Pacific South Korea 6
Americas Curacao 6
Africa Chad 5
Africa Nigeria 5
Western Pacific New Zealand 5
Africa Guinea 5
Africa Cote d’Ivoire 5
Europe Georgia 5
Western Pacific Singapore 5
Africa South Sudan 4
Western Pacific Malaysia 4
Africa Togo 4
Africa Benin 3
Africa Burkina Faso 3
Africa Niger 3
Africa Botswana 3
Africa Angola 3
Western Pacific China 3
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo 3
Western Pacific Fiji 2
Africa Western Sahara 2
Eastern Mediterranean Jordan 2
Africa Rwanda 1
Africa Mozambique 1
Western Pacific Papua New Guinea 1
Africa Uganda 1
South-East Asia Thailand 1
South-East Asia Sri Lanka 1
Americas Anguilla 0
Americas Saint Kitts and Nevis 0
South-East Asia Timor 0
Western Pacific Vietnam 0
Africa Seychelles 0
Americas Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0
Americas Saint Lucia 0
Europe Greenland 0
Africa Eritrea 0
Europe Faeroe Islands 0
Americas Falkland Islands 0
Americas Dominica 0
Western Pacific Laos 0
Western Pacific French Polynesia 0
Western Pacific Taiwan 0
South-East Asia Myanmar 0
Europe Gibraltar 0
Western Pacific New Caledonia 0
Western Pacific Cambodia 0
Africa Burundi 0
Americas Grenada 0
Africa Tanzania 0
Europe Vatican 0
Americas Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba 0
South-East Asia Bhutan 0
Western Pacific Mongolia 0

Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) – Situation Report Worldwide.